Saturday, March 21, 2009

Big Brother Class

This morning we took Padraig to the Siblings Class that is offered at the Medical Center in Macon. He was asked to bring a doll or stuffed animal. He chose the Grinch, aka Baby Sister. There were eight other Big Brothers and Big Sisters in training and their ages ranged from 2 to 8. Padraig learned how to give baby sister a bath, buckle the infant seat, put on a diaper, and how to wrap her in a blanket. We were also given a tour of the labor and delivery floor and the kids were able to peak in the nursery windows. It was a really cute class and I enjoyed watching Padraig. He is super excited about being a big brother. Oh, and he now refers to the Grinch as Willa Wren.

We were actually the first family to arrive to the class.

Waiting for the others to arrive. It's true I had the biggest belly there!

Learning how to put a diaper on Willa Wren.

We'll have to correct this move when the time comes for the real thing!

He's going to be the best Big Brother!
My photo
Georgia, United States