Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Gingerbread Houses

Padraig's class made gingerbread houses today.  Pag's little house turned out so cute!  And he only did a little snacking on the too-good-to-resist decorations!




He's Back!

Our Elf on the Shelf "Elfie Nickie Nackie" returned while we were sleeping.  We love our little elf and Padraig has been so excited about his return.  He'll be keeping a close eye on Padraig and Willa Wren so he can report back to Santa.  Padraig pointed out to Elfie a few Star Wars toys he'd like so he can pass the message along to the big guy.

 Padraig spotted Elfie Nickie Nackie right away!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Poor Muma! Her Christmas tree doesn't stand a chance...

with these little ones around!

Looks kinda like they're plotting something!

That's my little troublemaker.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

We Have so Much to be Thankful For!

We spent Thanksgiving with my family this year.  We always have a feast - macaroni and cheese, cabbage casserole, cornbread dressing, "green stuff",  squash casserole, broccoli casserole, green beans, and the turkey, of course.  (Sid bought a smoker just for the occasion.)  And the desserts - Aunt Kathy's chocolate pie, pecan pie, and Erin's chocolate eclair.  It was all so yummy!  Willa Wren had sweet potatoes in honor of her first Thanksgiving and she loved them.  It was great to see all of the family and spend time with those we love.

Willa Wren's tiny turkey!

Padraig's big 5 year old boy turkey!

Sid's smoked turkey.

Here's the chef carving up his bird. (I heard it was delicious!)

My lovies! (I just love that Willa Wren is trying to eat the leaf.  Just about everything goes in that sweet little mouth these days!)

Family!  I am thankful for my wonderful husband and the two sweet babies he's given me!

 The Feast!

And finally...Willa Wren's first taste of sweet potatoes on her First Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sweetly Sleeping

Sunday, November 22, 2009

We Love to Read!

We have LOTS of books at our house.  Sid has loved books for as long as I have known him.  He has an office full of philosophy books.  Padraig and I "collect" children's books.  Padraig even has his own "library" in a corner of our living room.  And that is where I snapped these photos:

Brother and Sister looking at books.

(I've got my baby girl trained well.  She smiles every time she sees a camera!)

Willa Wren and her cousin EmmaKate.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Rock Candy Rocks!

We decided to make root beer flavored rock candy. 



Friday, November 13, 2009

Darth Turkey

Padraig's class had a fun assignment - disguise Tom Turkey so that he would not be eaten for Thanksgiving.  No Tom Turkey here!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

Whooo likes cookies?

We do!

I found a recipe online for these cute owl cookies a few weeks ago and thought they'd make a fun snack for Padraig's class since they're studying owls this week.   Padraig put on the M&M eyes.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lunch with Willa Wren



I had the day off today and got to spend it with my favorite girl.  Around lunchtime I plopped Willa Wren in her exersaucer and I sat down at the table to eat my leftover stir-fry and check my school email.  Every time I looked up from what I was doing, Willa Wren was looking at me with the biggest, silliest smile on her face.  Of course I had to grab the camera.  I didn't get a good shot of her gummy smile, but I got her with her tongue out.  She is the sweetest, happiest baby girl.  And that smile, well, it makes my heart swell...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I tried peaches for the first time on Sunday.

Wait just a minute!

 Not too sure about this,

More on my face than in my mouth.

I'd rather play with my toes!

More Halloween-ing

Sid's second carving


Sid bought this Anakin Skywalker costume on clearance at Target for $10!  You can't beat that!   Its price before Halloween was $39.99  Padraig loves to play dress-up.  Check out his light saber wielding skills!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sid's Pumpkin Carving

Anakin Skywalker

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